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Welcome to OMG Smiles, your trusted Waterbury orthodontist! At OMG Smiles, we believe in creating confident, bold smiles that can transform your life. We understand that having traditional braces can be a significant investment, both financially and in terms of commitment. That's why we're here to guide you through the do's and don'ts of having braces, ensuring you achieve the best results possible.

The Do's of Having Braces

1. Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene: One of the most crucial do's of having braces is to maintain excellent oral hygiene. Brush your teeth thoroughly after every meal and floss with the help of special tools designed for braces. Good oral hygiene will help prevent plaque buildup and maintain healthy gums throughout your orthodontic treatment.

2. Follow Dietary Restrictions: While wearing braces, it's important to avoid sticky and chewy foods that can damage your braces or get trapped in them. Opt for softer foods that are easier to chew, such as cooked vegetables, soft fruits, and lean proteins. Remember to cut your food into smaller, bite-sized pieces to make eating more manageable.

3. Keep Regular Orthodontic Appointments: Regular check-ups with your orthodontist are essential during your braces journey. These appointments will allow us to monitor your progress, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure your treatment is on track. Don't forget to schedule your appointments at OMG Smiles, your Waterbury orthodontist, to stay in sync with your treatment plan.

4. Wear Your Retainer: Once your braces are removed, it's important to wear your retainer as instructed by your orthodontist. Retainers help maintain your newly achieved smile and prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original positions. Follow your orthodontist's instructions to ensure long-lasting results.

5. Communicate with Your Orthodontist: At OMG Smiles, we understand that every patient's orthodontic journey is unique. It's important to communicate openly with your orthodontist about any concerns, discomfort, or issues you may be experiencing. We are here to support you and provide solutions tailored to your specific needs.

The Don'ts of Having Braces

1. Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods: To prevent damage to your braces, it's important to avoid hard and sticky foods such as popcorn, chewing gum, ice, and hard candies. These can cause bracket breakage or wire displacement, which may extend your treatment time.

2. Don't Skip Dental Cleanings: Regular dental cleanings are crucial, even when you have braces. Schedule regular cleanings with your dentist to ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy throughout your orthodontic treatment. Your dentist and orthodontist will work together to provide comprehensive care for your smile.

3. Don't Ignore Discomfort: It's normal to experience some discomfort or soreness during the initial days of wearing braces and after adjustments. However, if you experience severe pain or have concerns about your braces, don't ignore them. Contact OMG Smiles, your orthodontist in Waterbury, CT, for guidance and assistance.

4. Avoid Habits That Can Damage Braces: Certain habits, such as chewing on pens or pencils, biting your nails, or using your teeth to open packaging, can damage your braces. Avoid these habits to prevent unnecessary complications and ensure the success of your orthodontic treatment.

5. Do Not Attempt to Adjust Braces Yourself: If you notice a loose wire or bracket, it's essential not to try and fix it on your own. Contact OMG Smiles as soon as possible, and we will guide you on what to do until your next appointment. Attempting to adjust your braces yourself may lead to further damage or discomfort.

At OMG Smiles, we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional orthodontic care in Waterbury, CT. Our experienced team of orthodontists, including Dr. Carl White, Dr. Bennet Galperin, Dr. Christine Nguyen, Dr. Neha Patel, and Dr. Cecilia Deller, is committed to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Whether you're considering traditional braces or alternative options like Invisalign, we have the expertise and knowledge to customize a treatment plan that suits your needs.

Don't wait any longer for the smile you deserve. Contact OMG Smiles, your trusted orthodontist near you, to schedule a consultation. We offer a range of affordable payment options and accept most insurances, making high-quality orthodontic care accessible to everyone.

Remember, with OMG Smiles, your journey to a confident, beautiful smile starts here!